1788 – 1820
By Patrick Myler
Product Description
This book tells the remarkable story of an Irishman whose exploits in the bare-knuckle ring made him into an early 19th century folk hero. His victories over highly regarded English opponents came in the wake of several armed rebellions and were seen as symbolizing his country’s fight for freedom from Westminster rule.
One of the many legends about Donnelly claimed that he so impressed the Prince Regent (later King George the Fourth) that he was granted a knighthood. On being greeted by the Regent as ‘the best fighting man in Ireland’, Donnelly is said to have replied, ‘I am not that, your royal highness, but I am the best in England’.
Donnelly’s life was less than exemplary outside the ring: a heavy drinker, he never made any profit from his four Dublin pubs, and his sexual adventures led him to him paying the price for ‘chasing petticoats’ while supposedly training for a fight in England.
About the Author
Patrick Myler is a boxing writer and Dublin historian, author of The Fighting Irish: Ireland’s role in world boxing history and A Century of Boxing Greats, amongst others. He worked as a journalist in England before taking the post of chief sub-editor of the Sunday News in Belfast. On returning to his native Dublin, he served as chief sub-editor and then as an assistant editor of the Evening Herald for thirty years. He now writes a weekly boxing column for that paper.
Purchase Details
The cost is $15.00 (plus $4.00 postage) for buyers from the United States. Its cost in the United Kingdom is 10 Pounds and 12 euros in Europe (plus postage). This educational book can be purchased through Amazon
Tracy Callis
1788 – 1820 Pugilist, Publican, Playboy
By Patrick Myler
Patrick Myler, the excellent boxing writer, has done it again. This time he has written a beautiful blend of facts and events – pugilistic, historic and personal – in the life of the Irish pugilistic legend, Dan Donnelly. This man, the owner of the famous arm, lived fast, loved hard and died young – and drank plenty along the way.
As one reads through this account of the life of Donnelly, a detailed description of the times in which he lived is presented. The social conditions under which he existed, his heavy drinking and the manner in which the “personable” Dan behaved, his disregard of good judgment (at times) and his feared style of fighting are conveyed. The bulldog attitude of Dan and the men of the ring in his time comes through time and again.
Donnelly enjoyed a good friend, a good drink and a good fight. He drank often and excessively. In the ring, he fought hard, although one might say void of style, and hit with “knock ’em dead” power. Like a good many fighters, Donnelly disliked training but loved the ladies. On many occasions, his personal behavior was not admirable but he became an idol of the Irish public because of his fists.
Dan tangled with the well-known English champions of that day – Tom Hall, George Cooper and Tom Oliver and came away victorious. Patrick Myler well describes these fights and the surrounding events leading up to them. These contests brought fame and money to Donnelly who foolishly squandered his riches with his drinking and poor behavior.
Mr. Myler includes a number of descriptions and observations from sources who wrote of Donnelly’s day – such as Pierce Egan, Harry Furniss and Frances Dowling. Their words impart a detailed and realistic view of the man and his encounters, both in and out of the ring. In addition, a number of interesting photographs and sketches are placed appropriately in the book that enhance the reading.
The book reads easily, is informative and quite interesting. It is recommended to boxing fans who want to know more about Dan Donnelly and the men from the bare-knuckle days. A solid promise -> those who read this book will come away with a much greater knowledge of the customs of the people during those times and their viewpoints on various matters – as well as a better knowledge of the men who ventured into the ring.
Clay Moyle
1788 – 1820 Pugilist, Publican, Playboy
By Patrick Myler
This is a reprint of Patrick’s book that was published in 1976 titled ‘Regency Rogue’. I never got around to reading the 1976 version because that particular period of time and history concerning bare knuckle fighting has just never been of as much interest to me as boxing from the 1890’s forward. That said, I made the time to read the softcover reprint and was pleasantly surprised to discover just how interesting a read it was.
Donnelly was a hard drinking Irishman who stood approximately 6’ tall and weighed around 14 stones (or 196 pounds). He burst onto the prize fighting scene at a time when it was ruled by the English and really made his name with his performances against Englishmen Tom Hall and George Cooper. As word of his ability in the ring spread he travelled to England where he hoped to build his bankroll through a series of exhibitions. He made some money alright, but he spent it as fast as it came in. He ultimately faced and defeated another Englishman, Tom Oliver, in a grueling match during his stay in that country.

Patrick paints a picture of a talented and popular fighter, with an aversion to training. He was a womanizer and an alcoholic who never quite fulfilled his potential, but became a hero in his native land nonetheless because of the successes he did enjoy against the English at a time when the Irish were thirsting for a hero. While he makes it clear that there is uncertainty concerning Donnelly’s actual date of birth, the fact remains that he died young and it was most certainly a result of his lifestyle.
The author draws upon numerous sources from that period of time to provide the reader with an interesting and detailed portrayal of the man and his fights, including many of the writings of Pierce Egan as well as ‘Famous Fights’ by Harry Furness and ‘Fistiana’ by Frances Dowling, among many others. He also provides the details surrounding the grave robbery after Donnelly’s death and tells the reader how his famous right arm ended up on display in an Irish pub for many years, and more recently came to become a featured item in an exhibition honoring the Irish contribution to world boxing history. I found it particularly interesting to read the portion of the book detailing the typical training routine employed by bare knuckle boxers of that period.
Overall, I found the book to be an interesting and educational read and highly recommend it.