Constitutions and By-laws
Boxing is a sport that has worldwide popularity at both the amateur and professional levels. However, accurate historical records are sorely lacking. It is intended that through the IBRO an accurate collection, organization and dissemination of information about the sport will occur.
The Purposes of IBRO
- To establish an accurate history of boxing by compiling complete and accurate boxing records
- To provide a vehicle for individuals interested in boxing research
- To communicate these interests and facilitate their research
- To coordinate research activities and provide a means of meeting others who share these specialized interests
The IBRO publishes four journals per year containing career records and fight information for champions, contenders, and other fighters of interest as well as articles and rare facts and figures related to boxing.
Back issues of IBRO Journals/newsletters are sold only to members. The newsletters/Journals are made up of individual articles, fighter career records, additions and corrections to existing records, statistics, microfilm newsclips, etc.
Executive Board of Directors

Don S. Cogswell

Tracy Callis

Dan Cuoco
Members of the IBRO shall be of good and moral character who are recommended and accepted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Membership dues
The membership is calendar year and membership dues cover the cost of publications, bulletins, website costs and any other expenses incurred by the organization.
Members must pay annual dues as set by the Board of Directors at the beginning of each calendar year.
Oath of Membership
“I sincerely believe in the principles and purposes of the International Boxing Research Organization (IBRO) and I solemnly promise on my honor to conduct myself in such a manner as to be an asset to this organization.”
Any member shall be subject to expulsion, for any of the following offenses:
- Engaging in any activity or course of conduct contrary or detrimental to the welfare and best interests of the IBRO.
- The IBRO will not tolerate actual or threatened violence, obscene or abusive language toward any of its members.